Stephane Delogne
Private owner Stéphane Delogne restores wet grasslands in collaboration with local residents and schools in frame of the LIFE BNIP pilot projects. By involving the community, partnerships are created and the importance of Natura 2000 is strengthened at a local level.
– Stephane Delogne[/bsf-info-box]
So far schools have been helping at the site with nature management. They have cleared certain areas and placed fencing. The owner of the site educates them about Natura 2000, its protected species and habitats and cultural heritage. He says the children like to work for such a motivating goal and are aware of the importance of their work.
This way, next to awareness raising, a Natura 2000 habitat is being restored by a stakeholder who is keen to support nature management and to send out a positive message.
And of course, after all the hard labour, the school children are treated with a nice stew made with local ingredients.