This year, Natura 2000 and the LIFE programme blew out 25 candles to celebrate on 21 May 2017. Various organisations active in the field were contacted by the LIFE SCIP project and invited to organise an activity. The result? In the period around 21 May, no fewer than 47 activities took place throughout Belgium. You can find an overview of all the activities here.
Did you know that 21 May has been designated by the European Commission as the official European holiday for Natura 2000? In this way, Natura 2000 will attract additional attention on this day throughout Europe. Jot down this date in your diary for next year!
According to feedback from 39 activities, there was a total of 4,534 visitors. The visitors – young and old – were provided with information about Natura 2000 and LIFE in a highly accessible way.
Every activity mentioned the 25th anniversary of Natura 2000 & LIFE and several events featured info stands, flags and brochures. In activities targeted at a specialised public, Natura 2000 and LIFE were discussed in more detail.
All 25 organisers deserve a lot of credit, since they were the ones to organise one or more events. In this way, they also spread the Natura 2000 message. All SCIP project partners organised one or more activities.
We enjoyed ‘it’s nature’s birthday’ to the full. Thanks – and see you again next year!

The Natura 2000 weekend was made possible thanks to: Agentschap voor Natuur en Bos, Natuurpunt, Inverde, Federale Overheidsdienst Mariene Milieu, Département de la Nature et des Forêts, Natagora, Bosgroep Limburg, Ministerie van Defensie, Landelijk Vlaanderen, Provincie Antwerpen, Natuurmonumenten, Departement LNE (Educatief centrum De Vroente), Piknikfabrik, Nationaal Park Hoge Kempen, Fort van Walen, Fort van Kessel, LIFE Together, LIFE Helvex, LIFE Flandre, LIFE Most Keiheuvel, LIFE Scalluvia, LIFE Ozon, LIFE Pays Mosan, LIFE Herbage en LIFE Prairies Bocagères.