The call for BNIP pilot projects, with subsidies of 100,000 euro in total, was a success! The call invited all kinds of actors in the field to do their bit to contribute to our European valuable nature, ranging from specialists to private owners. Unique to this call were the type of projects that could sign up. From educational and cooperation projects, to projects that develop a tool or product or are committed to the recovery of a habitat or conservation of a specific species.
A total of 34 candidates applied to receive maximum 15,000 euros for the start-up of an innovative Natura 2000 project. The jury selected eight projects – four projects in the Flemish region, three in the Walloon region and one project focussing on the Belgian part of the North Sea.
Each of the selected candidates will develop a small-scale pilot project, which will run until the end of 2019. This way several actors such as private owners,Regional Landscape organisations, non-profit organisations and even major players such as WWF, will do the utmost to boost Natura 2000 in Belgium! Discover below which projects have been selected as BNIP pilot projects.

This project familiarises the broad public with the nature and animal species typical of the Natura 2000 areas in the region ‘Meetjesland’ through short animation movies. Digital game tours for tablet and smartphone and guided nature walks aim to motivate the public to explore the Natura 2000 sites. Different mascots will be developed and will meet a number of local celebrities to promote and strengthen the regional identity.
Total subsidy: 15,000 euro

This project primarily aims at broadening the public support for the species protection programme of the Montagu’s Harrier and is consistent with the implementation of the ‘area coordination Montagu’s Harrier’ in the ’leemstreek’ region. Using data loggers, the behaviour and environmental use of the ‘ first ‘ Harriers on the Flemish clay plateaus in South-Hageland and Hesbaye are mapped out. In addition support amongst a diverse audience (farmers, hunters, (local) governments, …) increases thanks to an awareness raising film. The idea is to get more farmers to implement species protection measures in their fields. and to make local residents and local governments enthusiastic for the Montagu’s Harrier as ’umbrella species’ for endangered farmland birds.
Total subsidy: 10,075 euro

A new viewing platform, adapted to people with reduced mobility, and equipped with information boards, gives local residents the opportunity to get acquainted with this Natura 2000 area and its target species. When this area had just become a nature reserve it faced a lot of problems, including disturbances and illegal dumping. This was addressed by shielding this area both visually and physically from the public. This project now wishes to create an open view on the pond area through an elevated viewing platform that overlooks the pond area. Thus positioning the area in the community again.
Total subsidy: 15,000 euro

The migration movements of some Natura 2000 species, including birds of prey, are monitored through GPS data loggers. The main objective of the project is to map the use of Natura 2000 sites (SBZ-V and SBZ-H). In addition the project wishes to raise general awareness of the importance of Natura 2000 areas and landscape elements as stepping stones and connectors on the migration routes of birds (of prey) and possibly other Natura 2000 species.
Total subsidy: 6,440 euro

In the heart of the old industrial site ‘ quarries of Asty-Moulin’ an educational discovery route through ‘ augmented reality ‘ is created, involving young people and local residents in the creation process. Visitors are informed about nature conservation and the preservation of the site. This quarry is a unique urban Natura 2000 site and forms a habitat for European valuable species.
Total subsidy: 15,000 euro

Private owner Stéphane Delogne wishes to restore wet grasslands in collaboration with local residents. Educational activities for children and young people are also in scope. This way the importance of Natura 2000 is strengthened at a local level, by a stakeholder who is keen to support nature management and to send out a positive message.
Total subsidy: 15,000 euro

In the Markevallei a 30 km long cycle route will be developed, including various educational information panels about Natura 2000 along the way. The cycle route crosses different Natura 2000 areas, both in Wallonia and Flanders. This project uniquely combines nature, culture and economy thanks to the bicycle tourism in this area.
Total subsidy: 15,000 euro

This project means to draw the attention of the general public on the natural values and the protection of nature in, next to and around the Belgian part of the North Sea. A number of short films will be developed, and aim to raise awareness and educate people on ocean related issues.
Total subsidy: 8,500 euro