Since many years, the project ‘Barbastelle’ was developed in the Ardennes by the bat working group Plecotus of Natagora. ‘Barbastelle’ is now integrated in the framework of the LIFE project.
Newsletter December 2016
Discovery of the first Walloon Barbastelle colony
Did you know the Barbastelle has a characteristic head, which is compact, just like a pug? Read more about Barbastelle here.
To draft species and habitat action plans in the Walloon region, inventorying and monitoring is necessary. Specifically for the Barbastelle, Natagora developed a survey and study plan. This species can only be found in the forest and is rare in Belgium.
Based on existing data, an inventory was carried out in 2016. This was done by using two complementary methodologies :
- By using 4 ultrasonic registration devices, Plecotus was able to survey more than 100 locations on the presence of Barbastelle in the province of Luxembourg. Both hunting grounds and migrating routes were surveyed and registered. The gathered data were used to draft a distribution map of the species. The outcome is that this bat has a much larger distribution area than originally presumed.
- In addition, during 15 nights Plecotus tried to catch female Barbastelle in order to gear them with a tracking device on the back. By using telemetry, the exact location of the bat can be detected. On the 3rd of July 2016, three females were equipped with a tracer in the region of Orval. Finally this led to the discovery of the first barbastelle colony in the Walloon region, situated in a dead beech.
This successful inventory will be continued in 2017 and 2018.
Read the full article of Natagora here.
This Barbastelle action is part of the species protection of Wallonia in the LIFE BNIP project. In Flanders, there are also several species protection actions within LIFE BNIP. Read the article here.

More information about the Barbastelle can be found on the following websites:
- La biodiversité en Wallonie (French)
- Natura 2000 in Vlaanderen (Dutch)
- Natuurpunt (Dutch)
- Ecopedia (Dutch)